Big Blog Items
GPS for Dashcams, why is it an essential feature? Typically found only in premium dash cameras, dashcams with the GPS (Global Positioning System) feature have data logging capabilities. What this means is that these dashcams contain a built in or external GPS signal receiver that is ...
READ MORE +Typically found only in premium dash cameras, Parking Mode is a fancy term for any recording done while your engine is off and your car is parked. The Parking Mode on Dashcams provides around-the-clock protection and surveillance for the vehicle. This is a very useful feature to have ...
READ MORE +You’ve probably come across product descriptions and specifications talking about supercapacitors or lithium-ion batteries when it comes to Dashcams. These are the two most common power sources that are used in modern dash cams. But there is a big difference between the two and its important ...
READ MORE +If you are driving in Dubai and intend using a dashcam, you must know all the legalities of using a dash camera in the UAE. We look at what dashcams are, the controversy about dashcams in in Dubai, what the law says about using dashcams, and where to find the best ones. What are dashcams? ...
READ MORE +Dashcam video resolutions is one of the most important yet confusing specifications to pay attention to, as these will affect the video quality when you need to review road footage. Good video quality can mean the difference between capturing every single aspect of an incident, or ...
READ MORE +Refer to our detailed hardwire method guide for a more reliable and professional dashcam installation option There are two options to installing a dash cam, with the easiest being the 12v cigarette lighter dash cam installation method. One of the oldest and most common ways ...
READ MORE +Dash cam battery packs are exactly what they sound like - battery packs made specifically for dash cams usage in vehicles. These battery packs are the perfect solution for those who want the maximum protection, as parking-mode recording is extended significantly and the wear-and-tear on ...
READ MORE +If you are looking to upgrade your Dashcam or have no idea what dash cam to purchase, then this 2023 ultimate dash cam buyer's guide will have everything you will ever need to become a dash cam expert yourself. There are a few things to take into consideration when deciding which dashcam to buy, ...